
Bitumen K1_40

Introduction to bitumen K1-40
Bitumen K1-40 is characterized as a fast setting cationic bitumen emulsion, consisting of at least 40% bitumen and 60% water. This emulsified asphalt, in accordance with the standards of Malaysian Standard MS 1.61 (1994) and British Standard BS 434 Part 1: 1984 Class K1-40, offers low viscosity which is primarily used in adhesive coating applications. Its chocolate brown color and non-flowing liquid state at room temperature make it easy to detect and apply.

Application and uses of bitumen K1_40

Tack Coating Excellence
Primarily used as an adhesive coating, K1-40 emulsion plays an important role in creating a strong bond between existing surfaces and coatings such as hot rolled asphalt, macadam and grout. seal This function is very important in the following cases:
Minimizing leakage risks between courses.
Improved compression when laying the coating, reducing pressure and slippage.
Versatile functions
Beyond adhesive coating, K1-40 finds application in fog spraying and concrete curing operations. Its counterpart, K1-60, with a higher bitumen content, is commonly used in surface dressings, patching, annealing, and similar applications.
Program process
Optimal coverage techniques
Bitumen Emulsion K1-40, a cold-applied, fast-acting, 40% cationic bitumen emulsion, forms a thin yet uniform bitumen layer after curing and strengthens the adhesive bond between bituminous coatings and existing surfaces. For optimal results, especially when surfacing with hot rolled asphalt or macadam, a proper tack coat is highly recommended.

The best methods for applying bitumen K1_40

Before application, the surfaces must be dry and free of contamination such as dust, oil or grease. In hot climates, wetting the surface may be necessary to prevent rapid loss of water from the emulsion during curing. The temperature ranges between 5 and 35 degrees Celsius is ideal for use.
Safety measures and benefits
Bitumen emulsion K1-40 needs careful handling due to its flammability. Protective equipment such as clothing, gloves, and goggles are very important to reduce risks. Skin, eye, and inhalation precautions are essential for safe use.

Advantages at a glance

It is environmentally friendly.
No need for heating
Save money.
Easy and uniform application of the spray
Low temperature cooking with fast setting time.
High adhesion properties, preventing the sliding of the structural layer.
Product packaging and support
Various packaging options


Faragam offers Bitumen Emulsion K1-40 in various packaging forms such as bulk IBC tanks, flexi tanks, remanufactured steel drums (220 liters) and new steel drums (220 liters).

Types of cationic emulsion bitumen and their application

Cationic emulsion bitumen is divided into three main groups based on their stability against cracking:
Rapid setting or unstable
Slow-breaking or semi-stable (Medium Setting)
Slow Setting

The prefix C indicates the cationic type of bitumen emulsion.
Prefixes 1 and 2 indicate the hardness of emulsion bitumen. A larger number indicates greater stiffness.
The suffix h indicates the use of harder bitumen in the production of emulsion bitumen.
General Uses of Bitumen Emulsion
Currently, emulsion bitumen is used in all hot and cold asphalt works and all types of protective asphalts, infiltration and surface coating and soil stabilization. The main applications of emulsion bitumen is as described in the table below.

Selection and use of emulsion bitumen

Emulsion bitumen is used for almost all cases where soluble bitumen is used. In addition, their range of use is wider than that of soluble bitumen, so that there are certain cases where it is not possible to use soluble bitumen. Of course, this does not mean that bitumen emulsions can be used casually without checking, but their useful, effective and acceptable use requires the selection of bitumen emulsions suitable for the conditions of the work.

Effective factors in choosing types of emulsion bitumen

In choosing the type of emulsion bitumen, the type of executive operation that is used from this emulsion bitumen should be taken into consideration. For example, it is necessary to specify in which case emulsion bitumen will be used, such as surface asphalt, cold asphalt mixed in place, factory cold asphalt, surface coating, infiltration coating, or repair works. After determining the type of executive operation, other variables of the project should be examined.
Other factors that are more effective in this choice are:
Weather conditions during the operation (choosing the type of emulsion bitumen, mixing plan, equipment and work execution method depends on the weather conditions of the place during the operation)
The type of stone materials used
Available tools and equipment

General application of emulsion bitumen

Each type of emulsion bitumen is designed for specific uses, which are described in detail below.

Fast-breaking emulsion bitumen
(Cationic Rapid Setting-CRS)

This type of emulsion bitumen reacts quickly with stone materials and turns from emulsion to bitumen. Fast-breaking emulsion bitumen are mainly used in bitumen spraying operations, such as tack coat, seal coat with stone materials, sealing with sand, surface asphalt and infiltration macadam. CRS-2 and CRS-1 emulsion bitumen can be used for the aforementioned execution operations.
CRS-2 fast-breaking emulsion bitumen does not flow on the road surface due to high viscosity and is widely used for surface asphalt and waterproof coating with stone materials.

Retardant emulsion bitumen
(Cationic Medium Setting-CMS)

This type of emulsion bitumen is designed for mixing with coarse-grained stone materials, because they do not break immediately after contact with the aggregates, so the asphalt mixture prepared with them will be effective for several minutes. This type of emulsion bitumen is widely used in mobile asphalt plants and is mainly designed for the preparation of factory cold asphalt mixtures.
CMS-2h bituminous emulsions with high viscosity do not flow on the road surface.

Slow breaking emulsion bitumen
(Cationic Slow Setting-CSS)

Slow breaking emulsion bitumen are designed to prepare a stable asphalt mixture, that is, after contact of the emulsion bitumen with stone materials, they will be very stable. This group of emulsions are used with stone materials with continuous granulation and a high percentage of fine grains. This type of emulsion bitumen has a long-term performance, as it is completely mixed with stone materials with continuous granulation and a high percentage of fine grains. This type of emulsion bitumen has a long-term performance in such a way that it is ensured that they are completely mixed with stone materials with continuous granulation.
All slow-set emulsion bitumen have low viscosity and can be diluted with water. Diluted slow-breaking emulsion bitumen can be used in the implementation of surface and infiltration coatings, sealing and coating of pavement surface and dust control of dirt and sand roads. Coagulation of bitumen particles of these emulsions completely depends on the evaporation of its water. Therefore, if they are used in mixtures such as sealing slurry and it is necessary that the breaking speed is faster, Portland cement or hydrated lime can be added to it. Sealing grout is used.