Oxidized bitumen 90/40
Oxidized bitumen 90/40

Oxidized bitumen 90/40

Oxidized bitumen 90/40, which is the result of the oxidation of penetrating bitumen exposed to very hot air, is completely hard at ambient temperature and requires a lot of heating to use it.
Bitumen for the production of road surface, road surface and method of production of oxidized bitumen 90/40 or asphalt. This invention first relates to oxidized bitumen 90/40 or asphalt for the production of road surfaces. Road surfaces are produced as very broad asphalt or a mixture of bitumen with aggregates, such as sand, gravel, gravel (rounded or crushed) or the like. One of the goals of the road surface is to achieve high wear resistance. In addition, the tendency to deformation should be low so that irregularities such as wheel marks or the like do not occur, if possible, are small or occur only after long-term use.

Bitumen storage 90/40

All bitumen must be stored in tanks specially designed for this purpose. In order to minimize possible oxidized hardening of 90/40 bitumen during storage, certain aspects of tank design must be considered. Bitumen storage tanks should have automatic level indicators with low and high level alarms to avoid manual immersion for readings. Such an approach avoids exposing the heater tubes to a potentially combustible or explosive atmosphere if the bitumen surface is lower than the heater tubes.
Also, the automatic level control prevents the tank from being overfilled. Regardless of whether a high level alarm is fitted or not, the maximum safe fill level for the tank must be predetermined, taking into account the thermal expansion effects of bitumen in the tank. Before ordering additional bitumen, it is important to check that the outflow in the tank is capable of being delivered without exceeding the maximum safe working level. Each tank should be clearly labeled with the grade of bitumen it contains. When the grade of bitumen in a tank is changed, it is important to ensure that the tank is empty and relabeled before the new grade is delivered.

Application of bitumen 90/40

Using bitumen to separate and cover concrete surface, pipe coating, asphalt shingle, carpet floor sealing, paint and lining, mastic and membrane roof sheet, laminate and adhesive, roof and flooring and enameling. Also, the automotive industry is particularly in demand for blown asphalt. The material under the car cover is based on bitumen. Oxidized bitumen 90/40 is excellent waterproof, dustproof and soundproof for car undercoating.
Oxidized bitumen 90/40 is used in various industries such as plasticization, protection, repair and sealing of cracks and cracks, as protection and cover for the points where electric boxes are connected to each other, etc.

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