
RC-30 bitumen specifications

General information of cutback bitumen RC-30

Cutback asphalt is an asphalt cement that has a solvent or distillate such as gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene, or naphtha added to make the asphalt liquid at ambient temperatures and improve its ability to coat aggregates. Two letters followed by a numerical digit designate or name a cutback asphalt.
Cutback asphalt can contain between 12 and 40 percent distillate. The high demand for the distillates to be used in energy applications and ever-increasing air quality regulations have caused a steady decline in the use of cutback asphalt.
When gasoline or naphtha is used to flux asphalt cement, the final product is called “rapid curing” (RC) cutback asphalt. Specifications permit up to 45 percent distillate in manufacturing an RC-30 cutback asphalt.
RC-30 soluble bitumen is one type of black soluble bitumen. This bitumen is liquid at room temperature. The kinematic viscosity of soluble bitumen RC-30 is 30 and the lowest viscosity among soluble bitumen is related to this bitumen.
Soluble bitumen is produced by combining pure bitumen with various industrial solvents or petroleum oils such as kerosene or gasoline, and according to the quality of the bitumen and the type of solvent used in it, several different types of soluble bitumen are made from it.

Bituminous RC-30

In general, soluble bitumen is classified based on their evaporation time. The difference between soluble bitumen is the quality of pure bitumen and the type of solvent used in them. In fact, the higher the amount of light solvent in the production of soluble bitumen, the faster and more its evaporation and fluidity will be.
For example, the lightness of the solvent in RC-30 bitumen solution is such that after distillation, 50% pure bitumen remains. Also, RC-30 soluble bitumen has 0.2% water in its composition.

Application of RC-30 quick-acting bitumen

RC-30 bitumen is very suitable for use in making single-layer and multi-layer asphalts, making protective asphalts and bitumen spraying and surface coating. Also, this bitumen can be used in the field of making permeable macadam asphalt with a lot of free space and sealing coating with stone materials.

Uses of cutback bitumen RC-30

Current common uses are in penetrating prime coats and in producing patching or stockpile mixtures. Cutback asphalt used in mixing with aggregate will usually contain an adhesion agent to assist in the coating of the aggregate surface.

Rapid Curing bitumen (RC bitumen)

If gasoline is used to dissolve pure bitumen, the resulting bitumen is called Rapid Curing bitumen, which is denoted by the abbreviation RC; Because, the solvent in the bitumen evaporates in a short time after consuming the soluble bitumen and the original bitumen remains.

Safety of cutback bitumen RC-30

Refer to Safety Data sheets before use.
Transport, use and store at the lowest temperature possible.
Eliminate all potential ignition sources during application.
Avoid breathing vapors. Avoid contact with skin.
Always wear appropriate PPE including heat protection when used hot.
DO NOT allow product or washings to enter storm water or sewer systems.

Different packaging:

Bulk in tanker form
IBC Tank
220 liter barrel, net weight 185±5 kg