
Cutback bitumen Mc30

Liquid bitumen refers to bitumen which is the result of mixing bitumen with a lubricant (hydrocarbon or water). Normal and pure bitumen, such as 70×60 bitumen, are in solid form in environmental conditions and in order to use it, it must be heated to become liquid, but in some cases, it is not possible to use it, or it is not economical. or heat It causes bitumen decomposition (bitumen burning) and it is not possible to use it cold, in these cases liquid bitumen is used.
The amount of pure bitumen with hydrocarbons and based on the process of grinding and mixing in a static mixer is called cut back soluble bitumen. Cutback bitumens are divided into three main categories:
1- Rapid Curing or RC
2- Medium Curing or MC
3- Slow Curing or SC
are segmented.
MC class bitumens are classified into MC30, MC70, MC250, MC800 and MC3000 categories, which differ from each other in terms of viscosity. Naming of dry MC retardant solution bitumen is determined by its viscosity; For example, for MC250, this viscosity is between 250 and 500, and for MC3000, this viscosity is between 3000 and 6000. The higher the amount of solvent in this type of bitumen, the smoother it is.
The viscosity or viscosity of bitumen is a quantity that shows the characteristics and properties of bitumen at high temperatures, which is usually the same temperature that is used to prepare bitumen and asphalt mixtures, and it is known that this quantity has a direct effect on the quality and performance of bitumen. . These conditions, the more heat-sensitive bitumen, the lower its viscosity at temperature, and conversely, the lower the viscosity of bitumen, the easier it is to use in asphalt. If the viscosity of the bitumen is less, the bitumen has more paste in the summer heat, and if the viscosity of the bitumen is high in the winter cold, the asphalt will break and crack under the load of traffic. Normal viscosity is measured by Kinematic Viscosity.
Among the soluble bitumen, the retarder soluble bitumen (MC) is the most produced in the country.
The price of MC30 bitumen is determined as a function of the daily price of bitumen plus the petroleum solvent used in it. Currently, the soluble bitumens produced by this company are offered and sold in the Iran Commodity Exchange at the address
Currently, bitumen 30 produced by this MC company and the price of soluble bitumen supplied in Iran Commodity Exchange are sold.
Soluble bitumen MC 30 is one of the most widely used and most common bitumens of the soluble retarder group, which currently produces a large amount in this company, which it has allocated to itself. Bitumen MC30 is a retarding solution, 58% of which is bitumen and the rest is hydrocarbon, whose viscosity is between 30 and 60.
This type of bitumen is black in color and is produced and supplied according to ASTM standard number D2027M-13.
After using the MC30 bitumen for the implementation of the project, the oil solvent will evaporate and only the pure bitumen will remain to create the desired adhesion and insulation.
The use in Primakt penetrating coating is one of the applications of this type of soluble bitumen, although it is necessary to be able to apply it for single coat and dust control, among other things, the difference between MC30 soluble bitumen and MC250 soluble bitumen is its ability to be used in the winter season and the need to heat it less. be It is in this season and it doesn’t need much heating in order to run in summer. It is recommended to use emulsion bitumen instead of soluble bitumen. The foreign sale of soluble bitumen MC30 can be done in one of the EXW-FCA-CPT-FOB-CFR formats. The company supplies MC30 bitumen in bulk and in bitumen tankers for nearby destinations. It can also be delivered in 22-liter barrels and on shirink wooden pallets for long-distance purposes and shipping on board.


MC30 bitumen is a retarding soluble bitumen that is widely used in road construction and civil engineering industries. This product consists of 60% bitumen and 40% solvent, and due to its unique characteristics, it is an ideal choice for various uses, including infrastructure, paving and insulation.

Advantages of using bitumen MC30:

Ease of application: due to its liquid nature, MC30 bitumen is easy to apply and spread and does not require complex equipment and tools.
High adhesive strength: This type of bitumen has excellent adhesion to various surfaces including aggregates, asphalt and metals.
High resistance: MC30 bitumen is resistant to atmospheric factors and wear and guarantees a long life for construction projects.
Proper drying speed: The solvent in this product makes MC30 bitumen dry quickly and allows traffic and passage in the shortest time.
Resistance to cracking: the high flexibility of MC30 bitumen prevents the asphalt from cracking and breaking due to temperature fluctuations and pressures.
Affordability: Reasonable price and ease of application make MC30 bitumen an economical and affordable product.

Applications of bitumen MC30:

Underlayment: MC30 bitumen acts as an adhesive material between the layers of the underlayment and pavement and prevents slipping and movement of materials.
Bitumen spraying: This type of bitumen is used to prepare surfaces before asphalting and also to insulate various surfaces such as roofs and tanks.
Oily macadam: MC30 bitumen is used in the preparation of oily macadam mixtures for pavements of roads, sidewalks and parking areas.
Sealing: This product is used to fill the seams and gaps between stone and asphalt blocks and prevent water and moisture from penetrating into them.
Insulation: MC30 is used as a waterproofing under ceramic, mosaic and brick and prevents water penetration into the interior spaces of the building.

Important points when using MC30:

Storage: Bitumen should be stored in closed containers away from direct sunlight and heat sources.
Safety: Gloves, masks and safety glasses should be used when working with bitumen.
Compatibility: Before using bitumen, the appropriate solvent must be selected according to the type of surface and weather conditions.

Choosing the right MC30:

Choosing the right type of bitumen is done according to the type of application and weather conditions of the project. In general, bitumen with petroleum solvent is used for hot and dry weather and bitumen with emulsion solvent is used for wet weather.


With its unique features, MC30 is recognized as an ideal product in the road construction and civil engineering industries. Ease of implementation, high adhesive strength, resistance to atmospheric factors, proper drying speed and reasonable price are among the obvious advantages of this type of bitumen. To choose the right MC30, the type of application, weather conditions and type of solvent should be considered.

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