Gilsonite 0-5%
Gilsonite 0-5%

Gilsonite 0-5%

Gilsonite 0-5% is natural bitumen with a little ash which is producing from Gilsonite lumps. Gilsonite 0-5% lumps taking out from mine and forwarding to factory for processing and converting to Gilsonite 0-5% powder or sorting in specific lump size.

Gilsonite 0-5% General Applications:

Gilsonite 0-5%, using in powder shape by some different mesh size in drilling of oil and gas wells. Gilsonite 0-5% is a part of concrete fluid which is injecting into the well. Gilsonite 0-5% has role of FLC (Fluid Lost Control) in drilling mud, especially in OBM drilling method. Gilsonite 0-5% also applying in steel making for melting, and using in refractory material making. Gilsonite 0-5% also using for making printing inks.

What is Gilsonite? | Characteristics, properties and application of mineral bitumen

Gilsonite or asphalt is a black mineral with high viscosity, whose structure consists of dissolved solid hydrocarbons. Bitumen is commonly found in mines. The melting temperature of this mineral solid is relatively high, and its main sources in the United States are in the states of Colorado and Utah. Although the main sources of mineral bitumen are related to the American region, recently other sources have been discovered in countries such as Colombia and Iran, from which a significant amount of this mineral is extracted.

Gilsonite, or mineral bitumen, which is extracted from underground mines, is similar to the mineral obsidian, black in color and shiny in appearance. This compound was discovered in the 1860s and marketed about 25 years later by a man named Samuel Gilson as a varnish, electrical insulator, and waterproofing compound.

Ash measurement or natural bitumen ash percentage – Gilsonite

Ash or the percentage of natural bitumen ash is considered as the most important factor and indicator in the analysis and testing of natural bitumen (Gilsonite) due to the different opinions and also the lack of knowledge of some buyers and sellers of natural bitumen (Gilsonite) about the Ash measurement method. It should be noted that the basis for measuring the ash percentage of natural bitumen is ASTM 3174, which is approved by the International Inspection (SGS). According to this standard, the Ash measurement method is as follows:
Prepare three porcelain pots with a resistance of +1100 degrees Celsius
Put one gram of powdered natural bitumen in each of the bushes
Turn on the furnace and wait until the temperature reaches 950 degrees Celsius
After the temperature of the furnace reaches 950 degrees Celsius, put the plants in the furnace for 2 hours.
After 2 hours, take the plants out of the furnace with a wooden clamp and carefully weigh the rest of the bottom of the porcelain plant, which is natural bitumen ash, using a 1,000th digital scale with a glass cover.
Using the following relationship, Ash could obtain the desired sample:

100*( 1/weight of ash remaining after heating )=Ash


Depending on the customer’s request, various types of packaging with the following specifications can be provided:
Laminated bags 25 kg ± 5%
Multi-layer paper bags (Kraft) 25 kg ± 5%
Multi-layer sacks 25 kg ± 5%
1 mt jumbo bag
All the above products can be provided in shirring, strapped, and palletized packages depending on the customer’s request.