
Penetration Bitumen 120/150

Bitumen 120/150 is a thermoplastic material that hardens at low temperatures and softens at high temperatures. This bitumen has a softening point of at least 38 degrees Celsius. Bitumen 120/150 also has good elasticity. This means that this bitumen can withstand tensile forces.

The production steps are summarized as follows:

Crude oil is heated in the distillation tower.
Hydrocarbons with a lower boiling point evaporate and leave the distillation tower.
Hydrocarbons with a higher boiling point remain in the distillation tower.
The remaining bitumen from the distillation tower is mixed with air.
Bitumen oxidizes and its chemical composition changes.
Bitumen becomes harder and its softening point increases.


Penetration Bitumen 120/150 is a standard penetration grade Bitumen that is often used as a Paving Grade Bitumen for road construction and the manufacturing of outstanding asphalt pavements. This grade of bitumen is primarily utilized in the production of hot mix asphalt for bases and wearing courses. Faragam Co. provides penetration grade bitumen, which is petroleum quality bitumen produced by fractional / vacuum distillation of crude oil. The penetration and softening point test are used to specify Penetration Grade bitumen
The categorization is based only on penetration range. The penetration grade bitumen has a thermoplastic feature, which causes the material to soften at high temperatures and harden at low temperatures. This distinct temperature/viscosity connection is critical for defining bitumen performance factors like as adhesion, rheology, durability, and application temperatures. This bitumen is intended for the production of cationic bitumen emulsions, mineral-bituminous mixes in ‘hot’ technology, impregnating and water insulating mixes, and fluxed bitumen.
Penetration Grade Bitumen is Bitumen that has been graded based on its penetration property. The underlying idea of penetration grading is that the less viscous the asphalt, the deeper the needle will penetrate. Bitumen that is produced during the process of oxidation of vacuum bottom (the Bitumen production feedstock that derives from distillation tower residue in vacuum oil refineries) at a bitumen production unit in such a way that its penetration point (a type of test to indicate the hardness of bitumen) in a specified group is classified in different grades of bitumen.

FARAGAM Penetration bitumen 120/150:

One of the top manufacturers of bitumen products, Faragam, produces high grade penetration bitumen called Bitumen 120/150. Our Bitumen 120/150 is a carefully designed substance with great heat stability and high penetration rate, making it perfect for a variety of applications.
Advanced technology and strict quality control procedures are used to make our Bitumen 120/150, guaranteeing that our clients will get a consistent and trustworthy product. This kind of bitumen is often used in applications for waterproofing, roofing, and road building.
Our Bitumen 120/150 has a high penetration rate, making it simple to enter the surface pores and form a solid, long-lasting connection. This makes it the perfect option for heavy-duty applications like road construction and others where durability is important.
Our Bitumen 120/150 is not only safe to use and has great performance qualities, but it is also environmentally friendly. It is produced sustainably and complies with all applicable safety and environmental regulations.

Penetration bitumen 120/150 advantages:

The following are some of the advantages of Penetration bitumen 120/150:
Because of its high degree of penetration, it is appropriate for use in a broad range of product formulations, including those for the manufacturing of waterproof membranes, lubricants, and specialist bitumen paints.
Due to its high permeability, it is suitable for cold climates.
It has a lot of flexibility.
It can also be used as a spray.
Creates a good coating on the surface.


FARAGAM Bitumen Penetration Grade Penetration bitumen 120/150 is available in:
Jumbo Bags (1000 kg)
New Steel Drums (185 Kg) and (150 Kg)


The Delivery can be done in all terms like: FOB, CFR and CIF