Bitumen 85/100
Bitumen 85/100
Bitumen 85/100

Bitumen 85/100

Bitumen 85/100 is called bitumen which is obtained through the process of oxidation on a vacuum baton in bitumen units. As it is clear from the name of this bitumen, its degree of permeability is between 85 and 100.
In general, the state of bitumen depends on its temperature. The relationship between temperature and hardness of bitumen depends on the type of crude oil used and its refining method. The degree of permeability of 85/100 bitumen is about 8.5 to 10 mm. This type of bitumen has semi-hard permeability and is known as heavy bitumen suitable for road construction and repair.
The main use of this bitumen is the production of asphalt and it is mainly used in the production of hot asphalt for surface coating. The most used type in the bitumen family is 85/100 bitumen. This bitumen is actually a raw material for other products of the bitumen family.
Bitumen 85/100 has thermoplastic properties, which acts like synthetic resin and softens when heated and hardens when cooled. This product is mostly used in cold regions.
Bitumen 85-100 is a type of natural bitumen that is produced from a mixture of organic hydrocarbons and has a high viscosity.

Bitumen 85/100 is one of the types of asphalt bitumen used in buildings and roads.
This type of bitumen contains 85% bitumen and 15% polymer material which is added to improve its mechanical properties and safety.
Bitumen 85/100 due to its high resistance to water, heat and humidity.
It is suitable for the construction and maintenance of roads and airports.
Also, this type of bitumen is also used for sealing building surfaces and roofs due to its adhesive properties and corrosion resistance.

For optimal use of bitumen 85/100 in your project, you can pay attention to the following points:

Storage: Bitumen should be stored in a dry and cool environment for better storage. Contact with water and moisture should also be avoided.
Transportation: Bitumen should be packed in proper packaging and in compliance with proper transportation conditions.
Contact with water and moisture should also be avoided.
Application: Bitumen 85/100 is used to cover the surface of roads and airports, to make all kinds of asphalt, to build bridges, tunnels, retaining walls, parking lots, etc. In any application, it is best to follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
Price: The price of bitumen 85/100 may vary due to various factors such as exchange rate, fuel rate, etc.
Bitumen grade 85/100 is one of the standard penetrating bitumen, commonly known as road grade bitumen, and it has extraordinary properties for road construction, asphalt and road surface. This type of bitumen is mainly used in making hot asphalt mixtures.

Penetrating bitumen such as bitumen 85/100 petroleum bitumen

are obtained by distilling crude oil. Permeable bitumens are classified based on the degree of penetration and degree of softness, and the type of bitumen is expressed by the degree of penetration, so that 85/100 bitumen has a penetration degree of 85 to 100.
Faragam Company is one of the suppliers and exporters of 85-100 grade bitumen in Iran, which in recent years has been able to occupy a good position in the export of this type of bitumen by selling 85/100 bitumen.
Faragam company exports its bitumens in metal packages to world markets. Faragam company offers the ability to provide all kinds of bitumen, including 85/100 bitumen, as soon as possible with the best quality and the most suitable price for buyers.

85/100 bitumen price

The price of 85/100 bitumen among bitumen produced for some European and Asian countries such as Turkey has great value and importance.
Very good examples of 85/100 quality export bitumen have been produced and supplied in this region, which has led to the creation of very large markets.
In this regard, you can buy and export very good samples of this product through the most reliable bitumen production company and refinery in Iran. In addition to the discussion about helping Iran’s exports to world markets, this work has been able to provide the best path for buying and selling the best Iranian brands for customers and buyers.
The price of bitumen 85/100 and 60/70 for export can be obtained from the largest bitumen production center in Iran. In this way, our professional consultants in the sales section will inform you about the price of bitumen.

Characteristics of bitumen 85/100

The main part of penetrating bitumen is 85/100 bitumen, which is used in road construction. During the last two decades of the 20th century, there was a greater tendency to use hard bitumen in most road construction projects because it produced asphalt with higher properties compared to soft bitumen.
Therefore, bitumen with a high degree of penetration is called soft bitumen and is used in cold areas, and vice versa, bitumen with a low degree of penetration is called hard bitumen and is used in hot weather.
Over the years, the relationship between the laboratory properties of road asphalts and their performance on the road has been investigated. With the increase of traffic load, predicting the long-term behavior of asphalt and its efficiency becomes very important. Road performance depends on many factors including design, nature of application and quality of each asphalt component.
In terms of volume, bitumen is in the minority in asphalt, but this substance plays an essential role as an adhesive and provides the viscoelastic properties of bituminous mixtures.
If the four characteristics of rheology, adhesion, cohesion and durability of bitumen are controlled, bitumen will perform well on the road. The rheological properties of bitumen are determined according to the penetration degree and penetration index.
By studying the relationship between road performance and the physical properties of commercial bitumen and the prototype, Faragam company has created a series of tests to determine the quality of bitumen.

Factors affecting the price of 85/100 bitumen in recent years

The uncertain future of bitumen price 85/100 after the corona epidemic in the world and a 35% decrease in its consumption, as well as political storms in 2018, 2019 and 2020, including several “economic and political storms affected the oil products market” And the price of bitumen 80/100 has fluctuated a lot.
Events such as the withdrawal of the United States from the JCPOA and the tightening of sanctions against Iran, the beginning of the trade war between China and the United States, and the intensification of geopolitical tensions in the Persian Gulf are just some of the dozens. Events that have affected the bitumen market in recent years.
The intensity of political and economic tensions in recent years was such that some believe that it has become impossible to predict the price of petroleum products, especially bitumen 85/100.
Nevertheless, bitumen news agencies, reporters and analysts are monitoring the current situation more carefully than in the past to accurately predict the future of this export product.
The price of bitumen 85/100 goes through many political events every year and is increasing or decreasing under the influence of these events.
In 2018, events such as the decrease in oil production in Venezuela, the withdrawal of the United States from the nuclear agreement with Iran, and the decision of OPEC to cut off oil production in member countries greatly affected the export and import of bitumen in the world, especially in Asia.
In 2019, global political turmoil caused more price volatility for bitumen than in 2018.
The most important events affecting the price of bitumen in 2019 were the attack on tankers in the Persian Gulf, the targeting of an American drone by Iran, the seizure of a British oil tanker in the waters of the Persian Gulf and the attack on Aramco oil facilities in Saudi Arabia.

How to determine the degree of bitumen penetration

Heat the bitumen to about 60 degrees or above the softening point, then pour it into a special container. This container has a diameter of 5.5 cm and a height of 3.5 cm. Expose the container containing the bitumen to the laboratory air to cool the bitumen.

Then we put the container of bitumen in a hot water bath with a temperature of 25 degrees, so that after an hour and a half, the bitumen balances with the water in the bath.
You take the container out of the hot water bath and place it under the device for determining the degree of penetration. Now set the degree of the device to zero and by hitting the stopwatch, the needle of 100 grams will be released and within 5 seconds the penetration of the needle will be read.
This test is performed 5 to 10 times for each sample (each container) and the obtained values ​​are recorded. This number of tests reduces the test error. The average number obtained will be the same degree of bitumen penetration.

specifications of 85/100 bitumen

The state of bitumen depends on its temperature. The relationship between the temperature and hardness of bitumen depends on the type of crude oil and its refining method, and the degree of permeability of 85/100 bitumen is between 8 and 10 mm, which is a semi-hard bitumen with a degree of permeability and as a heavy bitumen suitable for building and repairing roads. is. Bitumen 85/100 is used to produce asphalt and it is mainly used for surface coating in the production of hot asphalt.
The degree of bitumen penetration produced by Faragam Company is pure petroleum bitumen produced by passing hot air through the raw material of vacuum batum. Bitumen is produced from crude oil residue after cracking and removing its hydrocarbons.
Bitumen with a permeability degree of 85-100 has a penetration degree of 8 to 10 mm and its softening point is between 42 and 49.
Bitumen penetration degree 85-100 has thermoplastic properties, which is similar to synthetic resin, becomes softer when heated and hardens when cooled. This grade of 100-85 bitumen has a very strong viscosity.