Viscosity Grade VG30 Application

Viscosity Grade VG30 Application

Viscosity Grade VG 30 bitumen is one of the types of bitumen classified according to viscosity. The term viscosity is used to express the fundamental property of bitumen, which indicates the behavior of the material at a certain temperature or a temperature range. In the classification based on the viscosity of bitumen, according to the absolute viscosity at 60°C in poise or the kinematic viscosity at 135°C in centistokes, it can be said that the viscosity of bitumen is VG 30,2400 and for each of these values ​​there are specific technical criteria.VG 30 bitumen is between 50 and 70 and its softening point is 47.

Viscosity Grade VG30 Application in construction

Viscosity Grade VG 30 application in the field of road construction and hot asphalt production. This bitumen is the most used in road construction, insulation, building construction and production of liquid bitumen, and it is also more suitable for use in areas with moderate weather. In general, viscosity bitumen is a standard bitumen that is specially used as paving bitumen and has special characteristics suitable for road construction and asphalt production. Viscosity Grade VG30 application is specially for roads with high traffic and heavy vehicles.